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PRATIC Machining Center Tool Magazines Introduction
PRATIC machining center tool magazines introduction

Automatic tool changing is essential to improve the production efficiency during CNC machining process. The tool magazine system is a device for the storage and automatic tool change required in the machining process of CNC machining centers. Its automatic tool change mechanism and tool magazine that can store multiple tools have changed the traditional manual method.

According to the characteristics of different machining centers, PRATIC chooses the most suitable tool magazines for them. Here we introduce different types of tool magazines used for different PRAITC machining centers as follows:

1.Disc Type Tool Magazine

The magazine shape is like a disc, is often used in high speed machining centers, it is with relatively larger tool holding capacity of 20/24/32/36 pcs., the adjacent tool change time (tool-to-tool) is 2 or 3 seconds. The biggest advantage of disc type tool magazine is its fast tool change time.
This type is used for PRATIC PYC/PYE/PDE/PDE4D/PW/PWA/PWM/PHA/PL series.


2. Umbrella Type Tool Magazine

The magazine shape is like an umbrella, with tool holding capacity of 6/12/16/20 pcs., the adjacent tool change time (tool-to-tool) is 6 or 8 seconds. Umbrella type tool magazine is with simple structure, easy to maintain and cost-effective.
This type is used for PRAITC PCD/PHA5D/PHB/PHB5D series.


3.Arm Type (Turret Type) Tool Magazine

The magazine shape is like an arm or turret, with tool holding capacity of 8/16 pcs., the adjacent tool change time (tool-to-tool) is 2 seconds. Arm Type (Turret Type) tool magazines have smaller size and they are lighter than other types of tool magazines, also, the tool change time is faster than others, which benefits the production efficiency.
This type is used for light-duty machining centers like PRATIC PIC/PIS series


4. Bamboo-hat Type Tool Magazine

The magazine shape is like a bamboo hat, with tool holding capacity of 16/20 pcs., the adjacent tool change time (tool-to-tool) is 6 seconds. Bamboo-hat type tool magazine is quite common and basic in CNC machining centers, the biggest advantage of it is the relatively lower failure rate.
This type is used for PRATIC PCD5D/PHE series


5. Chain-type Tool Magazine

The chain type tool magazine is form as a chain, with the toolds being arranged around the edges, it can be vertical, horizontal. It is able to load largest numbers of tools for the CNC machining centers, usually more than 30 tools.
This type is mainly used for PRATIC Gantry-type CNC machining centers, the PGMA/PGMB/PGME series and so on, also can be optional/customized to other series.
